Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 1, 2012

How to access EasyPhp MySql Command Line

Whatever you do, always back you file using php admin all the database first before accessing mysql via command line. You don't want to screw up your database if anything happen. I did.

Go to Ms Dos command line.

Change the directory where your mysql folder is located for easyphp. Mine is as follow

C:\Program Files\EasyPHP5.3.0\mysql\bin>

Type the following command, i am accessing via root.

C:\Program Files\EasyPHP5.3.0\mysql\bin>mysql -p -u root

Once click enter. It will request password. Just enter cause normally it is blank.

That's all, screen shot below. You will get the idea..

How to access EasyPhp MySql Command Line
How to access EasyPhp MySql Command Line

Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 1, 2012

Easiest way to reduce multiple photos file size using Picasa 3

I have been using GIMP to reduce my pictures before this. The process is bit slow if you have many photos. Found out that Picasa 3 could the job much faster.

The steps are as follows:

1. Download Picasa 3, if you don't have one.

2. Open the program.

3. Picasa will auto scan your folders for photos, if it didn't found your photo folder. Then click File > Add Folder To Picasa. Then scan the folder that got the images.

Easiest way to reduce multiple photos file size using Picasa 3
Scan the photos

4. Then click the photo that you want to reduce the file size and click File > Export Picture To Folder.
Easiest way to reduce multiple photos file size using Picasa 3
Export the photos

5. At Export To Folder pop up, select the folder that you want to export your photo. Name the folder name. Click Resize To to reduce the file size. 800 pixel is good enough if you want upload your photos to website or blog. Add your watermark. And then click export. That's all.
Easiest way to reduce multiple photos file size using Picasa 3
Resize the photo

Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 1, 2012

Live Minutes Review, Free Web Conferencing Software

Looking for free web conferencing software, visit Live Minutes. They provide free web conferencing software. Yes, it is free and I am not sure how they're going to monetize their product. 

You can share and collaborate with others to discuss about any document, excel design sheet and design template. It is much more effective then by sending the files to your colleagues via email.
You could host a meeting without sign in, but your nice report would be public. Therefore, better you sign up and host a meeting. To sign up it is easy; just enter your username, email and password. That’s all. 

Then you could host a meeting. Just click the Host a Meeting button. And start inviting your friend to the meeting by sending web conference link to your friends.
To have better audio and video system, use skype. Click skype icon, at the dashboard and you must also login into skype to enable skype mode for the web conference. Wait for other participants to call you, if you’re the host.
You could use Live Minutes whiteboard to convey hard to grasp ideas. Once the meeting is over, you could download a nice report that captures the participant inputs to the document. 

For more information, why not visit Live Minutes.
Live Minutes Review, Free Web Conferencing Software

Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 12, 2011

Tips To Reduce Eye Strains When Using Computer

Your eye is precious, one of the causes for eye problem such as eye floaters are caused by using computer for a prolong period without taking any break.

Learn to take frequently break when using computer, you don't need to constantly stare to the monitor screen . In addition, if you office have windows try to look at the out side view. This will help reduce your eye strain.

Other things that your could are by setting up your computer screen text and fonts bigger.

a) Make your web browser text and page content bigger.

You don't have to squint your eyes to 10 pixel text, make it bigger . For Google Chrome, to make the page content do this.

  • Click Spanar icon, located at the top right of the browser.
  • Click Option
  • Click Under The Hood
  • Go to the Web Content section, make Font Size larger and also the Page Zoom higher.

For Internet Explorer 8, the steps are as follows :

  • Click View
  • Set the Zoom and Text Size Bigger

b) In addition, you could as well make your Window icons and texts to be bigger. This is for Window Xp

The steps are as follows :

  • Go to your desktop. Right click your mouse.
  • Click Properties
  • Click Appearance Tab.
  • Set Font Size as Large Font or Extra Large Font
  • Now, it is better for your eyes.

c) For other computer programs, check whether they have functions to make the text and icons bigger.

For Adobe Dreamweaver, you could make the computer code to look bigger. The steps are as follows.

  • Open Dreamweaver.
  • Click Edit
  • Click Preference.
  • Click Font, for the proportional font, fixed font and code view, select bigger font size.

By just setting up your computer programs properly, you will be reduce your eye strains. 

Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 12, 2011

How To Add Captcha In Joomla Virtuemart Ask Question Page.

How To Add Captcha In Joomla Virtuemart Ask Question Page.

Adding captcha solves spam bots problem. If you want to add captcha to your Joomla Virtuemart ask question page. Just follow the following steps.

This instruction is for Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart 1.1.4

Download osol captcha from the following link.

Access your joomla admin using your usernama and password.

Install osol plugin, go to Extension > Install / Uninstall.

Choose the zip file and click Upload File & Intall.

Then go to plugin manager Entension > Plugin Manager , and enable the osol plugin.

Now you need access your cPanel, to edit your Virtuemart Product Ask Question.

I am using default theme, so the folder and file i need to edit are as follows


Inside the pages folder, edit this file shop.ask.tpl.php .

You need to add osol code in the file, add the code before the submit button. Find this code. Add the following code before code mentioned above. That's all. Test and it should be ok.

You can copy the code from here >>

How To Add Captcha In Joomla Virtuemart Ask Question Page.

Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 11, 2011

How to Add Captcha in Php Form

Adding CAPTCHA to your form protects your site from spam bots. It is a program that generates colourful image with distorted text that human can read but current spam bots cannot figure out the text.

To add captcha to your php form, use reCaptcha. Your need to sign up to recaptcha using your google account.

Go to my account and add your site. Once you have added your site, you will get the following details.

1) Public key

2) Private key

In addition, you need to get php recatpcha plugin from

Once you have the Public key, Private key and recaptchalib.php file (Only this file is required for the recaptcha to work) from the plugin, you can start.

For details on the php programming side, please go to