Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 12, 2011

How To Add Captcha In Joomla Virtuemart Ask Question Page.

How To Add Captcha In Joomla Virtuemart Ask Question Page.

Adding captcha solves spam bots problem. If you want to add captcha to your Joomla Virtuemart ask question page. Just follow the following steps.

This instruction is for Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart 1.1.4

Download osol captcha from the following link.

Access your joomla admin using your usernama and password.

Install osol plugin, go to Extension > Install / Uninstall.

Choose the zip file and click Upload File & Intall.

Then go to plugin manager Entension > Plugin Manager , and enable the osol plugin.

Now you need access your cPanel, to edit your Virtuemart Product Ask Question.

I am using default theme, so the folder and file i need to edit are as follows


Inside the pages folder, edit this file shop.ask.tpl.php .

You need to add osol code in the file, add the code before the submit button. Find this code. Add the following code before code mentioned above. That's all. Test and it should be ok.

You can copy the code from here >>

How To Add Captcha In Joomla Virtuemart Ask Question Page.

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