Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 8, 2009

How create Paypal Buy Now Button in Paypal SandBox - Testing Environment.(Part 2)

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

To Sign Up Paypal Account, Click Here.

How create Paypal Buy Now Button in Paypal SandBox - Testing Environment.(Part 2)

Once you have setup your Seller Account, select the Seller Account and Click Enter SandBox Test Site. (ScreenShot 1)

You will be directed to Paypal SandBox, enter the username and password that you created for Seller Account just now. (ScreenShot 2)

You will access the Seller's Account, (ScreenShot 3)

To Create Buy Now Button.
  1. Click the Merchant Services Tab. (ScreenShot 4)
  2. Click the Buy Now Button
  3. Enter your Button Type and Payment Details.(ScreenShot 5)
  4. For testing purpose, I entered the following details:
  5. Accept payments for : Product
  6. Do you want your customers to buy multiple products before they check out? : I select No, I just want to create the Buy Now Button
  7. Shipping : 2 USD
  8. Tax Rate : 5 %
  9. Merchant ID for purchase transactions: Use the Secure merchant account ID for security reason.
  10. Click Create Button
  11. System will generate the Buy Now Button Code.(ScreenShot 6)
  12. Copy the code.
  13. Open Microsoft NotePad, paste the code in it.(ScreenShot 7)
  14. Save the file as .html file.

You have just completed to first step to embark in ecommerce.

Now open you HTML file which, you just created using Mozilla, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. You will see the Buy Now Button in the page.(ScreenShot 8)

Click the Buy Now Button, you will directed to Paypal Payment gateway. (ScreenShot 9)

Use the Buyer Account Username and Password to make the payment. .

Once you have log in, Review Your Payment if it is all correct, check the terms and conditions (ScreenShot 10).

How many times you need to pay. Your shipping address.

If everything is alright then , click Pay Now.

System will generate the following messages after your payments:(ScreenShot 11)

Test, thank you for your payment

Transaction ID: 6LM30294CB843815U
An email with your order summary has been sent to

To check your Buyer Payment details, Click Go to PayPal Account Overview link in Thank You Page of the payment. (ScreenShot 12)

You can check the payment in the Buyer account.

To check whether your Seller Receive the payment, Log Out your Buyer Account.

Access Paypal SandBox using your Seller's Username & Password. (ScreenShot 13)

You will see the transaction details in your account. Paypal will deduct their service fee from total payment amount.

For more details, Click the Details link for the payment.(ScreenShot 14)

Hope you find this tutorial use and good luck trying.

ScreenShot 1

ScreenShot 2

ScreenShot 3

ScreenShot 4

ScreenShot 5

ScreenShot 6

ScreenShot 7

ScreenShot 8

ScreenShot 9

ScreenShot 10

ScreenShot 11

ScreenShot 12

ScreenShot 13

ScreenShot 14

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

To Sign Up Paypal Account, Click Here.

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