Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 8, 2009

How to add social bookmarks to blogger and wordpress ?

How to add social bookmarks to blogger and wordpress ?

I have been searching for a plugin which I can add in Social Bookmarking plugin to my

However most of the instruction that I found was bit tedious and you need add in the code itself in your blogger html file manually.

Luckily, I found this Social Bookmarking plugin developed which enable us to add the codes automatically.

Your reader could easily digg your site, mixx it and even tweet it. Plus they could easily email your blog details to their friends.

You name it, they have almost all the major social bookmarking sites.

So, to add in the code. You need to sign up Publisher Account with ShareThis. It's FREE.

Once you have sign up, then just follow the screen shots below to add in yoursocial bookmarking plugin to your blogger, wordpress or any other websites.

Step 1 : Sign In To Your Account

Step 2 : Click My Account

Step 3 : Click Customize Button

Step 4 : Customize your plugin

Step 5 : Choose Blogger & Click Get ShareThis Code

Step 6 : Click Add To Blogger

Step 7 : Sign in to your Blogger Account

Step 8 : Select your Blog & Click Add Widget

Step 9 : Arrange the widget position & Click Save

Step 10 : Open your blog in new window.

Step 11 : ShareThis Social Bookmarking plugin installed properly in blog.

Step 12 : Just Digg my blog !

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