Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 3, 2010

Improve Earning with Adsense Tips Send To Your Email

Earn more with optimization tips send direct to your email. The tips are targeted to your your specific account setting and implementation. 

Roughly one email will be sent to you each month, so you don't have worry overflow of email tips from Adsense.

To get the optimization tips, you need to subscribe  to "Customized help and performance suggestions" newsletter in your Google Adsense Account.

To subscribe, the steps are as follows.

Access your Adsense Account.
Click My Account Tab.
You will find Email preference setting in Language and Contact Preferences section , click the Other notification categories link.
And select Customized help and performance suggestions to get your optimization tips.
Click Save and Done.

Other email communication that you could subscribe from Google Adsense are as follows.

  • Newsletters
  • Google market research 
  • Special offers
  • Information about other Google products and services which may be of interest to you.

Plus, I am getting good tips from Adsense Blog as well. 

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