Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 8, 2010

How to change joomla 1.5 favicon icon

The steps to change joomla faviconis quite simple. First you need to need create the favicon and then upload to the right folder where the icon resides.
First step! Create your joomla website favicon.
Create your image in a perfect square dimension for example 100px width times 100px height, then generate the favicon using
Another website that you could use to generate favicon is You could create the favicon using the website tools easily.
I just created one nice favicon using the site, to check it out Click Here .
Once you have created your favicon, upload the favicon to template folder of your joomla website.
If you're newbie, not sure which template you are using. To find out your default template, access your joomla admin >>  then click Extension >> then Click Template Manager.
Your website template is marked with the yellow little star as shown below.
How to change joomla 1.5 favicon icon

Then access your website folder, you could access by using your cpanel or viafile transfer protocal software (ftp software)
Go to the folder of the joomla template that you're using for example my folder is at yoo_enterprise
Then, just delete the old one and upload your new favicon icon. That's all, done.
Please remember to use the same file name for your favicon icon as the previous favicon icon.
If the old favicon file name is "favicon.ico" , keep the new one as "favicon.ico" .

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 8, 2010

$20 in FREE Clicks for everyone from BidVertiser

Just got 20 USD Free credit from Bidvertiser. I am using the free ads to promote

To get the free credit, you need to register and activate the account using your credit card. The minimum budget is 5 USD per day. 

Creating the ads campaign is similar with Google Adword.

You need to select the relevant keywords, select the type of language you want use. I am using Malay language. Then you select the area you want to display and in which category it should show.

Write effective ads with catchy headline and description to attract your potential clients and start the campaign. 

Bidvertiser editor will review the ads before it goes live in their network. They have not yet approve my ads, I can't tell whether it is really good or not.

Once you have finish your 20 USD free credit, please note that the system will start charging your credit card automatically.

So, please remember to stop the ads if you don't want to continue displaying your ads in Bidvertiser network.

Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 8, 2010

Extension of Kontera Summer Blowout - $25 Affiliate Bonus

Since Kontera’s Summer Blowout promotion got great response from affiliates, Kontera has decided to extend the promotion through the month of September. 

The terms remain exactly the same, except for the new end date:

  • Kontera affiliates will earn a $25 bonus, for every publisher they refer to Kontera by September 30th , that generates at least 25,000 U.S. page views during their first 30 days on the network.
  • That’s on top of the usual 10% monthly Affiliate commission.
  • Simply keep on referring those quality publisher to sign up to Kontera using your dedicated Affiliate URL. 
  • Eligible Affiliates get the bonus automatically added to their account.

And now you have an extra full month to earn some more spending money!

You can learn more about the Kontera Affiliate Summer Promotion at

If you’re not yet an affiliate, you can apply to become one at

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 8, 2010

How to generate Alertpay buy now button?

Another payment gateway that you could use to receive online payment is Alertpay. The steps to create Alertpay buy now button are as follow.
  1. Log in to your Alertpay account using your username and password.
  2. Click Business Tool Tab.
  3. In Advanced Integration section, Click Generate a “Buy Now” Button.
  4. Select your Business Account
  5. Enter the item details, such as Item type, Name, Description, Item Code and change the button image if you want.
  6. Then enter the pricing details such as Currency, Amount, Shipping and Handling, Discount Amount and Tax.
  7. Setup your url for return and cancellation and Click Update.
  8. Alertpay System will generate a link code and image code, copy the code that you want use and paste it in your website page.
  9. Now you could receive payments for your goods and services using Alertpay.
Please note to accept credit card payment you need to complete the account verification and website review process.

Add the details
Add the details and click update
Copy the code and paste in your website

Receive payment

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 8, 2010

How to delete facebook pages you created?

I was wondering just now how to delete my page in Facebook, then only got it right.
Hope this helps you.
1. Access your Facebook, and Click Account.
2. Then Click Manage Pages, a pop up called Pages you Manage will show.
3. Click Go To Page that you want to delete.
4. Then Click Edit Page, located at top left menu of the Facebook Screen.
5. Below the page name, Click Delete Page.
6. Then Facebook will ask whether you're sure you want to delete, Click Delete Page.
That's how you can delete your facebook page. Not so complicated :)

How to delete facebook pages you created?
How to delete facebook pages you created?

Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 8, 2010

Homestay Malaysia, Experience a Kampung Life

In Malaysia there are two type of homestay offerings.

One type of homestay is a comfortable guest house that is rented out to guest by house owner for daily, weekly and monthly rate. This is a new industry in Malaysia and the number of house owners who have converted their houses into homestay is increasing by day. The location for this type of homestay is normally in town or well know tourist attraction places.

The advantages of a homestay compared to a hotel room is that the rate is much more cheaper and it's much more spacious. Plus, there is no strict restriction on number of adults allowed. You have more freedom and it will just the same as your house.

For another type of homestay, normally the guest house is located in Kampung or village surrounded by hills and padi fields. You still need to pay for your accommodation and other extras, but you will have the opportunity to join the locals go fishing, preparing dinner or simply enjoy idyllic kampung life. This type of homestay experience is much more fun. One way to runaway from the hustle and bustle of the city life.

Whatever type of homestay you're looking for, you could find it at . You could easily get in touch with the homestay owner to rent out a house/ room or simply arrange at trip to experience a kampung life.

For homestay owner, you could publish your homestay details, contact detail and location map of your guest house.

Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 8, 2010

How to serve third party ads in Adsense

You seldom have to do this if most of your articles are in English, however if your post contains other language such as Malay language. Then, most probably you want to do this.

I give you an example, if you go to, at the main page it's serving ads from Adsense, however when you select one particular homestay which is written mainly in Malay language Adsense don't have any ads to serve and I have to use ads from BidVertiser to serve ads to maximize my revenue.
So, how to do it?
You need to sign up with alternate adsense competitor such as AdBrite orBidVertiser.
Access the third party site and get the advertisement code. Select the format that you want to use.
Save the code in a html page and upload the page to your website page. Please note for BidVertiser code, if you generate the code for . It will only work for that domain only, you can not use it for other domains
Next, access your Adsense account. Click Adsense Setup Tab.
Then Click Manage Ads, find your adsense code that you want to update. I like to create a new channel for each my adsense code and name it with position and website that I am using it for analysis purpose.
Click Edit Ad Setting.
At the More Option Section, for “Choose what to display if no relevant ads are available. ”
Select “Show non-Google ads from another URL ”
And type url of the html page that you have uploaded just now.
Select the channel you want to use and Click Save Settings.
Now, you can serve other third party ads.
For BidVertiser, maybe you don't want to use to pop up ads. I think Google don't allow pop up ads at domains that their serve.

How to serve third party ads in Adsense

Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 8, 2010

How to create domain forwarding in Godaddy

Sometimes we buy few address with different type of extension to lock the name.

For example, I am bought two domain names, and for my homestay website. is the main site and anyone who type it will be redirected to
Steps to create domain forwarding in Godaddy are as follows.
  1. Access your Godaddy account using your username and password.
  2. Click Domain Manager.
  3. Click the Domain Name you want to forward.
  4. Go to Forward, Click Forward Domain.
  5. Select http:// Or https://
  6. Type the url of the domain name, I need to redirect to CARIHOMESTAY.NET
  7. Select - Update my DNS settings to support this change. (Recommended)
  8. For Advance Option, there is Forward Only or Forward with Masking. Select Forward Only and the redirect type is permanent.
  9. Then Click Ok
  10. Now wait for 24 – 48 hours for the domain forwarding in Godaddy to take effect.

Please be patient.
How to create domain forwarding in Godaddy
Domain Forwarding in Godaddy