For example, I am bought two domain names, and for my homestay website. is the main site and anyone who type it will be redirected to
Steps to create domain forwarding in Godaddy are as follows.
- Access your Godaddy account using your username and password.
- Click Domain Manager.
- Click the Domain Name you want to forward.
- Go to Forward, Click Forward Domain.
- Select http:// Or https://
- Type the url of the domain name, I need to redirect to CARIHOMESTAY.NET
- Select - Update my DNS settings to support this change. (Recommended)
- For Advance Option, there is Forward Only or Forward with Masking. Select Forward Only and the redirect type is permanent.
- Then Click Ok
- Now wait for 24 – 48 hours for the domain forwarding in Godaddy to take effect.
Please be patient.
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