Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 8, 2010

How to generate Alertpay buy now button?

Another payment gateway that you could use to receive online payment is Alertpay. The steps to create Alertpay buy now button are as follow.
  1. Log in to your Alertpay account using your username and password.
  2. Click Business Tool Tab.
  3. In Advanced Integration section, Click Generate a “Buy Now” Button.
  4. Select your Business Account
  5. Enter the item details, such as Item type, Name, Description, Item Code and change the button image if you want.
  6. Then enter the pricing details such as Currency, Amount, Shipping and Handling, Discount Amount and Tax.
  7. Setup your url for return and cancellation and Click Update.
  8. Alertpay System will generate a link code and image code, copy the code that you want use and paste it in your website page.
  9. Now you could receive payments for your goods and services using Alertpay.
Please note to accept credit card payment you need to complete the account verification and website review process.

Add the details
Add the details and click update
Copy the code and paste in your website

Receive payment

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