How to transfer money from Alertpay to Liberty Reserve?
You could transfer your money fromAlertpay to your Liberty Reserve account using the following exchangers. Please note all of them charges certain amount of commission fee and the transfer could take from 1 day to 7 days depend on the exchangers.
The steps to make the transfer using are as follows:
Go to
Then click Alertpay at the FROM section and click Liberty Reserve at the TOsection. The system will notify you the rate you will be charged.
Then enter your username, password and click login, if you don’t have a account click Open Account and sign up an account.
System will thank you for logging. Click Next
Then enter Alertpay id and the amount you want to send
And enter Liberty Reserve id and the amount you want to receive.
Then click Next
Then will display the summary of the order, please verify it is correct.
To continue, click Accept and the system will notify that you request has been accepted if there is reserve and you will be proceeded to the payment form.
Make the payment.
Please note the exchange is NOT INSTANT, they need to verify the payment is valid and not fraudulent. Once verified, then only they will fulfill your request.
Required time frame to exchange FROM Alertpay is 7 days and change up to $ 3000 per 7 day period. And there is no limit for exchanges TO Alertpay except for own reserve.
So, please make comparison between the sites which has the best time frame and the conversion rate to maximize your currency conversion.
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