Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 4, 2011

Software Requirements Specification Example, ABC Online Movie Booking System Part 1

Please note : OUM Students don't copy this SRS document, I have submitted this paper for September 2010 assignment paper on software requirements

ABC Online Movie Booking System (OMBS)
Version 1.0
Prepared by probyte2u
November 6, 2010
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Document Conventions 1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 1
1.4 Project Scope 2
1.5 References 3
2. Overall Description 3
2.1 Product Perspective 3
2.2 Product Function 3
2.3 User Characteristics 6
2.4 User Documentation 6
2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies 6
3. System Requirements 7
3.1 Functional Requirements 7
4. External Interface Requirements 15
4.1 User Interfaces 15
4.2 Hardware Interfaces 15
4.3 Software Interfaces 15
4.4 Communications Interfaces 15
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 16
5.1 Performance Requirements 16
5.2 Reliability Requirement 16
5.3 Safety Requirement 16
5.4 Security Requirement 17
5.5 Design Constraints 17
5.6 Software Quality Attributes 17
Appendix A 17
Appendix B 17
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) will provide detail description of requirements for ABC Sdn Bhd (ABC) Online Movie Booking System (OMBS). This SRS helps end users, project managers and software engineers to have clear understanding of the OMBS and it's functionality that allow correct software to be developed. This SRS provides the foundation for the OMBS project. From this SRS, the OMBS system will be developed and tested.
This SRS will be used by software engineers as guideline to develop the OMBS. ABC's end users and project managers will be able to see if the software engineer will be developing the system according to their requirements. If not according to their expectation, end users and project managers can specify how to change the relevant requirements to conform with their expectations and software engineer will change this SRS to conform with the end users and project managers need.
1.2 Document Conventions
The following are list of conventions and acronym used in this document and the project.
* Customer : ABC's customer who have created an account.
* ABC : ABC Sdn Bhd
* Interface : Something used to communicate across different mediums
* OMBS : Online Movie Booking System
* OMBS-MMI : Movie Management Interface
* OMBS-GI : Guest Interface
* SRS : Software Requirements Specification
* User : User of the system such as customer, counter clerk, branch manager, branch supervisor, visitor, head office personnel and credit unit personnel. Anyone who interact with the system using the user interface layer.
* Use Case : A broad level diagram of the project showing basis overview.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
The intended audiences for this document are as follows:
* End users from ABC
* Project Managers from ABC
* Software Engineers
This document will reviewed frequently by the above audiences to check if the project follows the requirements.
Any changes to requirements during the project will be updated in this document by making necessary changes.
1.4 Project Scope
The software product to be produced is the Online Movie Booking System which will provide online movie booking system to ABC customers to purchase the movie ticket easily from ABC website protal.
This will help ABC to add a new sales channel, minimize operational cost and improve sales. OMBS will have two user interface layers, first one is Guest Interface (OMBS) and the second one is Movie Management Interface (OMBS).
Customer can purchase the movie ticket from ABC website portal which is actually Guest Interface (OMBS). OMBS-GI will have function for visitor to view movie details and search movies. Plus, customer can purchase movie ticket and view purchase history by creating an account in the system.
OMBS system shall use Paypal system to process customer payment using Credit Card, Debit Card or Paypal Balance.
To automate the process ABC staff will update and maintain the OMBS using Movie Management Interface (OMBS).
Movie Management Interface (OMBS) will have the following functions and modules in the system.
* Login Function
* Staff Module
* Reservation Module
* Ticket Module
* Membership Module
* Movie Module
* Pricing Module
* Availability Module
* Branch Module
* Report Module
Access to the module determined by staff account type and branch/head office location. By managing the OMBS via Movie Management Interface (OMBS), ABC can provide facility for customers to purchase movie ticket online.

1.5 References

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