Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 7, 2009

How to setup Kontera in your

Steps to setup Kontera in

If you're new in blogging and try to sign up using your website address, then most probably Kontera will reject your application. Just like what happen to me.

I suggest that you write some articles in hubpages first, then use your hubpages porfile address as your sign up url.

Easier to get approval from Kontera, they like Hubpages very much.

Hubpages, is one the best platform to make money in the Internet! You can easily setup your affiliate settings for your Adsense, Amazon, Ebay & Kontera.

Once you have your own hubpages profile please follow Kontera sign up details at Hubpages guide below.

Got your Kontere Account !

Sign in into Kontera and access your account. Click the ContentLink Setup.

Click the Kontera It link, you will directed to Sign in into

Then Click Add Widget.

Now you will be in your Layout tab of your blogger. Your Kontera Script will be add in automatically. Then Click Save your Layout.

Kontera takes some time to check your website. After one day my Kontera adsvertisement is there !

Just follow the picture below, you will get it right .

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