Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 7, 2009

Zemanta - Smart tool to improve your blogging experience

Blog better using ZemantaImage by chucks via Flickr

If you are looking for a tool that will spice up your blogging experience then you should use Zemanta.

Click Here, to add in to your Mozilla Browser.

Once, you have uploaded Zemanta. You focus on writing your article and Zemanta will spice up your blogging experience by providing you simple point & click enrichment of your blog posts.

In real-time, while you type. Zemanta will suggest tags, links, photos, related articles, and more.

Zemanta image on top was suggested by Zemanta itself.

To find out how Zemanta works, please refer to the video below :

Zemanta, supports following blogging platform

Affiliate Blogging Made Easy

  • Automatic integration with Amazon affiliate system
  • Link to Books, DVD's and CD's Single click
  • Amazon covers for richer posts with higher click-through ratio

Relevant content

Over 20 different sources of content for your blog
  • Trusted reference databases
  • Biggest sources of entertaiment
  • and everything else that you're passionate about!

All the related articles below was suggested by Zemanta, I only need to click to post it below. Truly makes your blogging experience very nice.

It's really a cool gadget, test it and I am sure that you will love.

Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

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