Making Money on HubPages & Google Adsense
1. Can I make a living with HubPages “Royalties”?
We consider the program to be a nice bonus, but it should not be the main reason why you participate in HubPages. There are revenue generating opportunities with HubPages, but we are careful not to over-promise any results.
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2. How does the program work?
The HubPages “Royalties” provides you with an easy way to take advantage of the Internet’s top ad revenue and commission generating tools.
* You can set up affiliate accounts with Google, eBay and Amazon.
* Google automatically displays ads in your Hub that are relevant to your topic.
* eBay and Amazon products can be featured in your Hub – you decide which products to highlight.
* Kontera contextual link ads can be turned on or off either on all your Hubs, or on a Hub-by-Hub basis.
HubPages earns its revenue from these ads, so we split the impressions with our writers.
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3. What are impressions?
Impressions are what drive revenue generation. An impression occurs whenever an ad appears on a Hub. HubPages earns its revenue from these ads, so we split the impressions with our writers.
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4. How do impressions generate revenue on HubPages?
After you’ve joined the affiliate programs from eBay, Amazon, Kontera, and Google, ads for these companies appear on your Hubs. Any revenue generated during one of your impressions (a click-through with Google, an actual purchase with Amazon or eBay) is 100% yours.
HubPages splits the impressions with you in the following way:
1. Your own Hubs: Hubbers receive 60% of total impressions.
2. The HubPages Affiliate Program: You can refer new writers to HubPages and if they become Hubbers within 30 days, you receive an additional 10% of their Hubs’ lifetime impressions.
3. Traffic Referral Program: If you send traffic to any Hub, you’re entitled to either 9% or 12% of total impressions. You’ll receive 9% if the Hub you’ve referred people to already has impressions allocated to an Affiliate. If there are no Affiliates, you’ll receive 12% of the total impressions.
Whatever is left from the splits above goes to HubPages. Note that these splits apply only to Hubs and User Profile pages. On all other pages, such as a referral to a Tag page or the HubPages home page, you’ll receive 30% on a traffic referral, with HubPages getting the rest.
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5. How do I sign-up for Google Adsense?
Getting signed up with AdSense is easy. Please follow these step-by-step instructions (Also includes a troubleshooting section if you’re running into problems).
To Sign Up Hubpages, click here
6. How do I get an Amazon affiliate ID?
You have to sign-up for the Amazon Associate program by visiting If you’d like to sign up, start here.
You’ll be asked to fill out information about yourself, such as name, address, payment information. You’ll also be asked what your site – in this case, HubPages – is about. The entire process is very quick.
We then provide you with step by step instructions, including text that you’ll need to cut and paste into appropriate places. Once you’ve been assigned an ID, simply add it to your HubPages profile so you can begin earning commissions immediately.
To Sign Up Hubpages, click here
7. How do I get an eBay affiliate ID?
Like the Amazon program, you’ll need to visit eBay to sign up for their affiliate program.
Follow our step by step instructions to sign up, then enter your affiliate ID on the affiliate settings page of your account. EBay is fairly strict when they approve applications, so be sure to have some quality product related hubs on your profile before you apply.
If you have questions about the impression sharing system, send us an email for further clarification.
To Sign Up Hubpages, click here
8. How does the Traffic Referral program work?
You can drive traffic from oustide of HubPages to the Hubs of other Hubbers and receive a percentage of the overall impressions. The traffic referral program works the following way:
1. We start with Unique Trackers
Every HubPages account has its own default referral tracker – referred to as a Unique Tracker. You can create additional referral trackers as you organize your link campaigns.
2. Use the Unique Tracker to link to someone’s Hub.
Before you can link, you must be signed in to HubPages. Then, when you’re at the Hub you want to link to, look at the bottom of the page (or click the green share it button). There will be two boxes marked “link to this page” and “email this page”. You can click on these links and choose the Unique Tracker you want to insert in the email, URL or HTML code we will generate for you. From that point, you can either send the mail, or cut and paste the URL link or HTML code and place it wherever you’d like outside of HubPages.
3. The Traffic Referrals is guaranteed to be yours for 120 minutes.
If someone clicks on your link to a specific Hub, you are entitled to the traffic referral impressions for 120 minutes. We set this limit because there may be multiple Hubbers referring people to a particular Hub. No other tracker can replace yours during that 120 minute period. This is called the ‘first dibs’ rule.
To Sign Up Hubpages, click here
9. How do I check how much money I’ve made?
Revenue updates from Google, eBay, Amazon, and Kontera can be checked via the links below. They house all the revenue numbers. Your revenue generation will not begin until you’ve: 1. Signed up for Adsense; and 2. Signed up as an eBay and Amazon affiliate and put your affiliate code into HubPages.
* Your Google Adsense earnings
* Amazon Associate earnings
* eBay Affiliate earnings
* Kontera earnings
To Sign Up Hubpages, click here
10. How do I track the performance of Google AdSense on HubPages?
The easiest way to keep track of your Adsense earnings on HubPages is to create a channel URL in your Google Adsense account. This will allow you to seperate your HubPages earnings from your other sites.
1. Log in to your account at
2. Click the Channels link below the AdSense Setup tab.
3. Choose the AdSense for content sub-tab and click the URL Channels link
4. Click Add new URL channel, and in the resulting text box, enter the URL that you would like to track (use “” to track all of your impressions on HubPages)
5. Click Add channels.
The new URL channel will begin tracking data almost immediately.
To Sign Up Hubpages, click here
11. What is the Flagship Hubs Program?
The Flagship Hubs program is an elite program for the very best Hubbers. It grants $25 for the completion of a Hub that meets strict standards, and must be written on a preapproved topic. There is an additional $10 bonus if the Hub gets at least 10 visits from each of 10 non-HubPages sources within 30 days of publication.
The Flagship Hubs program is limited to Hubbers who have published at least 5 high-quality, non-promotional Hubs. You can read more information about the program here.
12. How do I sign up for Kontera?
HubPages now offers the option of adding contextual advertising with Kontera. Click here to sign up. Please note that Kontera has a minimum payout threshold of $100, and therefore may not be appropriate for Hubber’s with relatively low traffic numbers.
Follow our step by step instructions to help you through the sign-up process, and place your Kontera affiliate ID in the appropriate field on your affiliate settings page.
IMPORTANT: In the Kontera signup form do not enter as the website URL, instead use the URL to your HubPages profile page, or to one of your hubs.
Note that Kontera is off by default for all hubs. You can enable or disable it for individual hubs by editing them, and changing the Kontera setting next to Ad Level. You can also turn it on or off for all of your hubs at once on the affiliate settings page. The text link ads will only appear to readers that are not signed in to HubPages.
Read answers to other users’ Kontera questions here, and check out the Kontera Knowledgebase for additional information.