Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 11, 2009

Create A Better Bundle to make your customers coming back.

Bundling Strategy

Create A Better Bundle to make your customers coming back.

Bundling is to combined your products and service into a total package. By bundling you give added value to your customers and they will coming back to you.

The best example of bundling products is done by Microsoft which sells different applications in a bundle. You can buy home office suite that includes word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software or for more advance application, you could go for Microsoft Office Profesional. They have bundle their Internet Explorer & Windows operating system to have better advantage against their competitor and this got them in trouble with the regulators.

So, Bundle carefully .

If you have credit card service, hotels and an airline, then you could sell your products and services as a bundle. This has been done by AirAsia and it's subsidiaries.

Online giant started with selling books, then music store, followed with video store and now they have varied type products at and their sisters sites.

In telecommunication business, most of the companies bundle their product into different type of packages. You can buy different type of packages for your home or business needs. In Malaysia, you could have telephone service and Internet service from the same supplier.

For tour operators, they bundle their products and services into one nice package for their valued customers . They will charge you for your accommodation, transportation, food and additional charges into one complete package.

The act of bundling is not limited to the same category of products, if you are creative enough you could have endless possibility of bundling your products and services.

Start Bundling To Grow Your Business !

What is ?

I was getting Kaspersky Security Alert as stated below everytime I browse website's with Google Adsense Content Advertisement in it.

"Application Google Chrome contains link to web page used to steal password, credit card number or other confidential data. Denied"

So, got bit worried whether this virus threat was a real threat or a false alert , so just browse the Net to find out more about

Found out that there is nothing to worry about, as Google bought DoubleClick in 2007 they have some integration things to sort out and there is no harm.

To confirm the status, I sent an email to Kaspersky Virus Lab as stated below and the Virus analyst confirmed it was a false alarm.

newvirus[at]kaspersky[dot]com Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 2:50 AM

To: Me

Sorry, it was a false detection. It will be fixed in the next update.
Thank you for your help.

> LANG: en
> email: Me
> product: Kaspersky Internet Security
> viruses_date: Today
> description:
> I am getting Kaspersky Security Alert everytime i browse a website with google adsense code it. It is giving the following alert. How do I solve this problem? I have attached the screen shot of the alert.
> 11/23/2009 1:47:58 AM?\Program Files\MOZILLA FIREFOX\?FIREFOX.EXE?532?"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ?Detected:*?Databases
> uploaded files:
> kaspersky-security-alert.jpg
Virus analyst, Kaspersky Lab.

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 11, 2009

Make money advertising Amazon product in your blogger

Amazon Associates Code in Blogger

If you have blogger or any other websites, additional source to make money is to advertise amazon products in your blogger.

To do it is very easy. You can either add in the Amazon widget in the module section or in your articles.

However, today I will show you how to add in the code in your article.

First of all you need to sign up with Amazon Associates, please go to

Once you have sign up, then access into Amazon Associates website.

Go to widget.

There a few types of widgets you can choose, but normally I will use Recommended Product Links. I sell products which relates to my article.

Then you need to select the product line and enter the keywords to find the right products. For example, for my KD Sri Inderapura article I select book as my Product Line and “aircraft carrier” as my keywords.

Then you need select the size of your display. Click Select This Size.

The bigger the better. I am using 468 x 336 size.

Then highlight the code and copy it.

Access Blogger and edit the article using Edit Html editor in Blogger.

Paste the code at the position that you want and save the article. That's all.

Now , you can start making money advertising Amazon product in your Blogger.

Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 11, 2009

BlogCatalog - How to increase website traffic using BlogCatalog.

If you refer to the image above, for my BlogCatalog generates 6.73 % (15 visits)of my traffic for last month.

I just add in the BlogCatalog Recent Viewers Widget just recently only.

To generate this traffic, first you need to sign up with BlogCatalag and add in the Recent Viewers Widget your blog.

To do it, please click here.

Once you have sign up and add in the widget.

Now, you need to visit your friends Blog in order to have your icon/image/link shows up at your friends recent viewers widget.

I will show you one, then up to you how many friends you want to visit.

The more frequently you visit your friends the better. More potential traffic you will get.

Steps to generate traffic using

Login to You will access the main page.

Then click Directory. Now you have list of blogs categorize accordingly.

Since, my blog is about travel. I want to find a blog about travel also. So I click Travel Directory. You can visit any blog you want not necessarily the same blog category.

Now, I want to find a blog with recent viewers widget. This one is tricky because some of our friends in BlogCatalog have not install the widget. If you found they didn't install the widget, then just leave a constructive comment in their blog with your website address stated.

After searching few blogs, finally I found a Blog with Recent Widget Viewers.

Once I visit my friend blog(Learn Sweden), my icon/image/link will be there in my friends Recent Viewers Widget.

Recent Viewers Widget has my recent viewers details in the widget(Learn Sweden). My link at Learn Sweden will be there as long as 5 other blogcatalog friends don't visit the site.

Therefore, anyone who visit Learn Sweden might click my link in the Recent Viewers Widget and directly visit my blog.

In order to drive traffic to your blog using BlogCatalog. You need to replicate the steps frequently.

Please remember to access your BlogCatalog site first before visiting your friends website, if not your link will not be there.

Hope this helps you ! Please refer to the images below for the details.

Login to BlogCatalog.

Click Directory.

Click Travel Directory

Find a Blog with Recent Viewers Widget.

Once you visit, you link or image will be there. If anyone click your link they will be directed
to your profile at

Visitors will see my profile & list of Blogs own by me.

If visitor click one of my Blog, they will directed to my Blog Below.

How to issue refund using Paypal

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

To Sign Up Paypal Account, Click Here

I will show how to issue refund back to client in Paypal Sandbox. It is the same process as live paypal site.

Before you can issue refund back.

You need to go through the following articles so that you have records of customer purchases that you could use to refund back.

How to create Paypal Buy Now Button Part 1

How to create Paypal Buy Now Button Part 2

Once you have few samples of customer purchases, then if you want to refund just follow the steps below.

Please login to Paypal SandBox using your username and password.

Then click Test Accounts to access your Seller Account, which customers have bought items from the seller. Click Enter SandBox Test Site.

Enter your username and password to access the seller account and Click Log In.

If your customers purchase record is there , then Click Details to access the record. If it not there, then you need to search.

You will have the transaction details of the purchase. Please scroll below.

Please note you can issue refund for up to 60 days after the original payment was sent. PayPal refunds the payment and fees, including partial fees for partial refunds.

To Issue Refund, Click Issue Refund link below the page.

Enter the amount you want refund, enter a note to the buyer (optional) and Click Continue.

Review the amount and the details. If confirm then Click Issue Refund.

Refund Complete and your refund has been sent. An email with refund details has also been sent to the recipient.

Then you could View the refund, View the original transaction Or Go to My Account.

That is all on how to refund back your buyer.

Email Notification Sent to The Buyer

Your buyer will get an email about the refund. Sample of the email as stated below.

Date: Oct. 28, 2009 21:19:47 PDT
Subject: Payment refund from PRO BYTE's Test Store

Oct 28, 2009 21:19:47 PDT | Transaction ID: 9YJ27338EG470090R

Hello Test User,

You received a full or partial refund of $20.00 USD from PRO BYTE's Test Store.
The refund will go to your PayPal account.

To see all the transaction details, please log into your PayPal account. It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.


Merchant information:
PRO BYTE's Test Store

Note from merchant:
None provided

Original transaction details
Payment details

Description: Buy Now Button Testing,
Unit price: $50.00 USD
Quantity: 1
Amount: $50.00 USD

Tax: $2.50 USD
Shipping: $5.00 USD
Insurance: N/A

Total: $57.50 USD

Questions? Visit the Help Center at:

Thanks for using PayPal – the safer, easier way to pay and get paid online.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response.

PayPal Email ID PP1465

How is my fee refund calculated?

If you issue a full refund, PayPal will refund all the fees. If you issue a partial payment refund, the fee refund will be calculated at the same percentage as the payment refund.

For example:

Your customer buys $100.00 USD of merchandise from you. The fees for this transaction total $3.25 USD ($2.90 USD of this is variable, $0.35 USD is the fixed transaction fee, which is not refunded for partial payment refunds).

You issue a partial refund on the transaction for $40.00 USD (40% of the original amount).

PayPal issues a refund of 40% of the total fees, which in this case would be $1.16 USD (40% of the variable portion of the fee).

For details, please refer to the video below !