Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 10, 2009

Buy A Paid Antivirus Software to protect your information.

Last time I was using one of the best free antivirus, but it failed to protect my computer from Trojan virus and phishing sites.

I was using free antivirus, free anti malware and spyware software.

My personal computer got infected and this virus damaged most of my website and my client website.

If you pc is infected, your pc's cpu usage will always be high even when you not doing anything much or run a lot of program.

In addition, your out going traffic will be higher that normal. It is sending information to the hacker and for my case the trojan was accessing my website and causing iframe injection.

Layman terms, my web pages got corrupted.

Buy a good paid antivirus, you will have some peace of mind and they will provide technical support to detect any virus that might reside in your pc.

I am using Kaspersky Internet Security for my laptop and desktop, please refer to this article for their support in solving my virus problem.

After using Kaspersky and cleaning my pc from any virus.

Thank God, it didn't recur back.

Plus, I don't some other measures to protect my pc and additional precaution when accessing my website using latest ftp software.

I am getting protection cybercriminals and it protects my pc while I am surfing the internet.

Few month back, I was active in Traffic Exchange sites to promote my affiliate marketing, while surfing Kaspersky managed to block my pc from being infected with Trojan and other malwares.

Other protections that you will get are as follows for Kaspersky Internet Security

1. It keeps your money and identity safe. Always clear your cache and cookies after making any financial transaction via Internet.

2. Protects against bank account fraud. It protects your from phishing sites, please click here for more details about phishing.

3. Safeguards against online shopping threats.

4. Cybercriminals won’t hi-jack your PC, you pc will not be hijacked and turn to a zombie machine.

5. Once hijack hackers can easily read your key board key stroke and create a financial havoc for you.

6. Family protection from on-line predators.

7. Your files won’t be ruined by hackers or like me when I make ftp connection it is much more secure now.

8. Keeps your PC running smoothly.

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