Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 10, 2009

Increase website traffic with BlogCatalog Widget

Love blogging, then you should join BlogCatalog to network with your blogger friends and increase your website traffic.

As one of the largest blog directories on the Internet, you should join them to make your blogging experience a success.

Meet your fellow bloggers, share link with your friends, join the discussion forum or just search any articles / post easily at BlogCatalog.

I will show you how to add in BlogCatalog Widget easily.

Before that please create an account with BlogCatalog.

Then log in to, go to

Enter your email address / username and your password, then click Login

Click DashBoard Tab.

Click Manage Your Blogs.

Click Add A Blog

Enter your Blog Information in the form and Click Submit Blog button.

You will get the following message, please give 24 - 48 hours for your blog to be reviewed.

Your blog has been placed in the queue and will be reviewed by a member of the BlogCatalog Team within the next 24-48 hours. In the meantime, we recommend taking the following steps to make your BlogCatalog membership the best possible.

Next, please verify your blog by adding a BlogCatalog Widget, I will show you how to add in Recent Viewers Widget.

Click BlogCatalog Recent Viewers Widget Link, then choose the blog you want to add in.

Click Update Code and Preview Widget, BlogCatalog will open up a new window.

You can add in the widget in Blogger or Typepad.

I will add in the widget in my blog. To add in click Blogger image. Sign In to your Blogger Account.

Choose the Blog you want to add in, then click Add Widget.

Arrange the widget position your blog layout position. Then Click Save.

View your blog to see the result.

If you want to have a look how I add in to one of my site, please visit Penang Hotels Review.

Good Luck.

Screen Snapshot Images below :

Sign Up BlogCatalog Account

Login To BlogCatalog

Click DashBoard Tab

Click Manage Your Blog

Click Add A Blog

Enter your Blog Information & Click Submit Blog

Click Recent Viewers Widget

Customized your BlogCatalog Recent Viewers Widget

Click Blogger Image to add in your Blogger platform blog.

Sign In to your Blogger Account

Choose the Blog you want to add & Click Add Widget

Arrange BlogCatalog Widget Position & Click Save


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